Photos and Review by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska.
Megadeth: Metal Show of The Year Part 3 at Baxter Arena in Omaha, Nebraska on April 26, 2022.
This long and winding road finally got to photograph Megadeth again. Repeating what I said about Lamb of God, because of COVID, I had waited almost two years to see this show. Gonna be honest, sad it took so long and happy that it happened.
My last date was Megadeth was great, I mean…it is freaking Megadeth. But, the only downside to that first show was immobility. Dave seemed attached to his microphone. Not this time thought. It appears that Dave got himself a new pair of shoes and he was moving around the stage like a man half his age.
Great show again by Megadeth.
My Three Songs:
Prince of Darkness
Hangar 18
Dread and the Fugitive Mind

Photos by The Pit Magazine photographer, Winsel Photography in Omaha, Nebraska. ©2022.
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